Friday, May 18, 2007

Smokin' ( Photo of the Day) Finalist for May 2007
Category: People Photo of the Day
Category: People
Brady, I had a great time taking your fireman photos today. You were a riot!!!!
This photo is priceless!
As I sat here tonight, going through the photos from today, it occurred to me that I had missed a "moment". I am not a fireman's wife, I am not from a "fire" family so I don't really understand fire "stuff". During my firehouse visit today, the "fire people" kept making reference to the different vehicles by name. To me, they were all red. That's all I know about them. I know precious little about a firehouse.
When I arrived at the fire station today, my little fireman came out to greet me with a big grin. He was actually excited about having his photos made. After a short while, he disappeared. His father and I were chatting and unloading my equipment and I noticed that little Brady was sitting at a table working diligently and trying to put his boot up into his pant leg. Neither were on him. They were on the table.
Now as I look back, I realize, I missed a "moment". I missed a moment from Brady's childhood and because I missed it with my camera, no one may ever remember. I never even considered taking an indoor flash shot. I am a natural light photographer. However, missing that moment has made me decide it is definitely time to bite the bullet and buy artificial light.
Brady, in his childlike wisdom, was trying to put his boots into his pant legs like his father does. To have them ready at a second's notice should a fire alarm sound. He was trying his best to put his boot into his pant leg and I missed it!
Creative Portraiture by Carolyn Foster Spano..NE, Ohio 330.727.4257

Johnny Angel

NE Ohio, United States